Just for the record there is nothing wrong with Super Cuts... Armed with the list below you can improve your chances of getting more of what you want no matter where you go.
Thanks for stopping by. As I was reviewing my latest haircut I noticed that my hair looked thicker and fuller without the stacking in the back. This of course got me thinking about all my silver sisters who may experience the same thing , so I thought I would do a video and take it up as a subject.
Here are some things that may help you when you are deciding how much hair to cut or want to get an entirely new cut.
1) What is you hair texture? this would be how frizzy , smooth, course, coily
2) Is my hair- Fine, Med, Thick, this would be each hair strand
Fine hair is wispy and does not need many layers as it responds to movement very easily. Med hair could handle more layers but not too much. Thick however needs layers and weighs down really easily and can handle some thinning to get it go the way you want it to go.
3) What is my hair density? This refers to how many hair follicles you have. In other words how close does your hair grow together? You can have fine hair per strand but have a lot of it. This could be determined by inspection of the scalp or how quickly your hair tends to get oily.
Hair density will let you know what styles to choose. Like if you have really dense hair too long of hair can give you a headache literally. It can be too heavy and in this case thinning the hair out will help to make it more manageable.
4) What is my face shape? This is also important so the cut you choose will be balanced. And in some cases can even make your face look more balanced.
5) Do you have any features that you don't really like? This would be anything that makes you feel self conscious. Eyes, neck, face shape, nose, scaring, wrinkles, forehead
6) How much time am I willing to spend each day on my hair? Short cuts can take more TLC extending your morning routine from 15 min to an hour. Also do you have any movement restrictions? Like: I cant lift my arms above my head or when I do for extended periods of time it hurts. Am I willing to buy a new styling tool? or use a round brush? Will you have straighten your hair every day with a new ✂️cut?
7) How active are you? What is your life style? Do you work at a desk during the day, or are you out doors more? Hair cuts that need a lot of product don't do well in weather conditions such as humid climates. Do you need your hair out of your face?
8) What Style am I? Are you sporty, casual , or do you like more of a structured style?
9)Do you have hair loss? And where? Would a wig or topper be a better choice for you? This would include if you have a health issue which causes hair loss .
10) Do you have any allergy's? This would be to products, hair dyes, fragrance.
11) What is your budget for maintenance? $ 30, $50, $100... Per month
12) Do you like bangs or no bangs? Or are you unsure which looks best on you?
Hope this helps.
Thanks so much for watching!