Will My Car Battery Die from a Dash Cam?
Will My Car Battery Die from Installing a Dash Cam?
The short answer is no. A couple factors is, how you install it, and how you set the dash camera up. If you have a dash camera without low battery protection, and you do not drive your vehicle regularly. As a result, there is a good chance you will kill your battery. Dash cameras sold at Safe Drive Solutions all have low battery protection. We recommend setting this for 12 volts or higher to protect your battery. For this common question about dash cams, we provide an example below.
Once I had a client say the dash camera killed their battery. After investigating we found out they had been leaving their interior light on for quite a few weeks. There is lots of factors that can kill your vehicles battery, for example leaving an accessory plugged into your cigarette lighter all night. However, getting a bad cell in your battery or leaving the interior light on all night is more common. These types of things happen but getting a dash cam with low battery protection you should be fine. If you are still worried get a backup battery for your dash cam.
Watch our Dash Cam Install Videos
➡️ https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWDQXR-k7u6GVQYPC6olhsI67MEu9-e4z
Watch Our Videos Common Questions about Dash Cams
Common Questions About Dash Cams ➡️ https://youtu.be/UOk6Ma3iFIE
Will My Car Battery Die From A Dash Cam ➡️ https://youtu.be/w-MZNNj96rQ
Dash Cam Top Features ➡️ https://youtu.be/vbHUvHmPGSw
Is A Dash Cam Worth It ? ➡️ https://youtu.be/01iGgBiBIWY
Will A Dash Cam Record License Plates? ➡️ https://youtu.be/rrKvFrv3V6s
What is a Good Dash Cam? ➡️ https://youtu.be/r7aDABttYww
Dash Cam Parking Mode.➡️ https://youtu.be/zG_6mYWtKog
Top 6 Dash Cam Features ➡️ https://youtu.be/vbHUvHmPGSw
What SD card to buy for your Dash Cam? .➡️ https://youtu.be/80CE_hO9iS0
Why Professional Dash Cam Install? .➡️ https://youtu.be/wviWVRs3cgo
Read Our Blogs
Learn More About Dash Cams
00:00 Introduction
00:53 What to look for in a dash camera
03:37 Cigarette Lighter Installation
04:20 Universal Parking Mode Cable Installation
05:36 OBD2 Installation
07:00 Hardwire Cable Installation
08:10 Battery Pack installation
09:12 Installation Errors
10:59 Improper installation hardwire cable
12:52 Cigarette Lighter Improper Install
14:01 Why you car battery might die
15:15 Truth of 24hr Parking Mode