Welcome back to Part Two of the Mercedes journey! In this episode, Jordon takes the Mercedes into our All-In-One dismantling facility to start dismantling the vehicle and see what parts we can save and sell as quality green parts! Ash, our all-in-one dismantler, gets to work on the vehicle, aiming to remove over 30 parts from the insurance write-off - but the big question is, will we make our money back on this insurance car? Jordon showcases what types of cars are dismantled in this facility, what sort of parts we extract from cars and talks about other elements we recycle from cars that enter our recycling facility.
As we continue the journey of this Mercedes E-Class, we start to showcase what happens at Charles Trent Limited. Make sure to follow the channel to watch the journey through every stage of our facility. Do you think we can extract enough value to make a profit on this car, and will the engine be any good from this insurance rollover?
➡ Check out our website here: https://www.trents.co.uk/
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