Will you miss the 5D ascension? The old earth is collapsing now! Learn the signs that you’re ascending and embracing the new era.
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Are you worried that you might miss the ascension to the fifth dimension? The end of the earth is coming. We keep hearing about 2025 being big changes, and you aren't sure. Does that mean I need do big changes? Am I going to be safe? Will we survive? Of course, these are the questions that come up that kind of conversation, those kind of messages are scary! Actually, the planetary shift that we're undergoing, it's well underway. Every which way we look, it's like this. And you too, you're collapsing too, and everything that we thought was so certain is collapsing. And there's a lot of things right now going up and popping up on the planet that we think is this the new experience? Don't be fooled. Everything's a bit temporary right now, but we're talking about the big changes in you that are really going to make your own ascension and your own evolution beautiful.
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Sonia Choquette is a globally celebrated and dynamic spiritual teacher, six-sensory consultant, enchanting storyteller, and transformational visionary guide, known for her delightful humor and skill in quickly shifting people out of difficulty and into flow. She is the author of 19 international bestselling books on intuitive awakening, personal growth, creativity, and transformational leadership including the New York Times bestseller "The Answer is Simple."
Sonia is inspiring a global conscious movement around the truth that "We, as humans, are Divine Beings endowed with SIX senses to guide us through life" and insists that we must activate and rely on our innate sixth sense in order to make the most authentic, well-informed, healthy, and soul satisfying decisions possible.
00:00 Ascension to the Fifth Dimension & Leaving Old Earth Behind
02:04 Navigating Big Changes and Personal Responsibility
03:39 Reclaiming Control and Making Different Choices
06:11 Embracing New Experiences and Inner Guidance
07:07 Transforming Identity and Embracing New Opportunities
09:42 The Role of the Spirit in Guiding Personal Growth
10:23 Facing Fear and Embracing New Beginnings
11:50 The Power of Necessity in Driving Change
#oldearth #5DAscenion #Ascending