Willow Medicine:
Willow bark has been used for thousands of years as an anti-inflammatory, antipyretic (fever), and analgesic (painkiller).
Therapeutically, willow bark can provide relief to those suffering from back pain, recurring headaches, muscle pains, menstrual cramps, arthritis symptoms and more.
Willow bark contains a chemical called salicin which works in similar ways as aspirin. It also contains glycosides, polyphenols, flavonoids, tannins, and other antioxidants, which support its anti-inflammatory and immune protective properties.
Some other uses for Willow are as a digestive tonic, blood thinner, diuretic and as an antiseptic for eyewashes, dandruff, eczema, wound care, and gargle for sore throats and gums.
Willow Magic:
Willow also has a rich history of magical uses.
It is one of the seven sacred Irish trees as well as sacred to many old world northern European cultures.
Willow is considered to be ruled by the moon and associated with dreaming, finding deeper insight, enchantments, and spellbinding.
It was believed to work on the emotional level, helpful for moving out of negative states, enhancing awareness of deeper purpose and protecting one from harmful outside influences.
Willow More:
This video shares my personal experience and insights, ID and harvesting tips, as well as practical ways to make Willow into Medicine.
Willow is a "people plant" that grows all throughout the world in many forms. It is easy to work with, and its relative abundance makes it a relatively sustainable plant to harvest from the wildlands.
Willow Safety:
Although it’s generally safe, white willow bark extract taken in high doses can cause side effects including increased bleeding, skin rashes, itching, and upset stomach. Allergic responses are also possible among individuals who are sensitive to salicin.
I hope you enjoy this video and get out to make your own personal connection with willow this year.
Please give it a Thumbs UP and SHARE your thoughts and experience in the COMMENTS below.
Botanical Blessings,
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Filming and editing by Shane Philip: http://youtube.com/islandsoulfilms
Website: http://islandsoulfilms
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