We're one day late with our monthly compilation due to a German holiday and Maik working on "MusicVidle", a Wordle for music videos. When you've watched these 10 minutes of entertainment, containing 52 fresh clips from last month, feel free to head over to https://www.musicvidle.com/ and play the game! ▶️🎵
Enjoy & share!
Martin & Maik
📑 LIST of seen ORIGINAL CLIPS: https://www.win-compilation.com/win-compilation-may-2022-edition-best-videos-of-the-month-april/1107
🔔 SUBSCRIBE for monthly WIN: http://bit.ly/subWIN
🙏 SUPPORT us on PATREON: https://bit.ly/supWIN
❤️ THANKS to these WINNERS:
Nicholas O'Keeffe ▲ Jakob Bysewski ▲ Jannik Eckert ▲ Micalah Garza ▲ Michael Fischer ▲ Sandra Honaker ▲ Casey Ryan ▲ D0mca ▲ Frank Boosman ▲ ALU ▲ Gerhard Blab ▲ Tim W ▲ Just A Dude ▲ Brian Covey ▲ Charles Lapworth ▲ Whitney ▲ Ross777 ▲ John Lawrence ▲ Londa Is Cooking ▲ Baradin ▲ Johannes U. ▲ Chris ▲ Andrew Turner ▲ Gray Watson ▲ Paul Vieth ▲ Daniel R ▲ Daniel Boekel ▲ GeoCarp
(Our channel isn't monetized, so ads you might see are for creators of the original clips...)
📧 Sponsoring requests, video recommendations or feedback of any sort can be send to info(at)win-compilation(dot)de
BLOGS: https://wihel.de & https://LangweileDich.net
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/wihelde & https://twitter.com/LangweileDich
FACEBOOK: https://facebook.com/wihelde & https://facebook.com/LangweileDich.net
INSTAGRAM: https://instagram.com/wihel.de & https://instagram.com/Langweiledichnet
#BestofYouTube #WIN