Sing and dance to beloved Nursery Rhymes and Kids Songs with Ms Apple!
This music compilation video offers a delightful experience for your little one, featuring Ms Apple originals as well as classic nursery rhymes and songs, for kids, babies and toddlers!
0:00 - Intro
0:02 - Wind The Bobbin Up
1:45 - Diplodocus
3:58 - The Safari Shuffle
6:14 - The Wheels on the Bus
8:13 - Dino Dance
11:03 - A Little Seed
12:32 - Hurry Hurry Drive The Firetruck
14:06 - Old MacDonald had a Farm
16:32 - Down in the Jungle
18:26 - This is the Way...
19:27 - Zoom, Zoom, Zoom!
20:51 - Bubble, Bubble, Pop!
22:32 - Butterfly Song
23:29 - Baby Shark
25:20 - Five Little Monkeys
27:12 - Phonics Song
30:51 - Bee Song
32:08 - Three Little Fishies
34:02 - Rainbow Jam
35:05 - A Sailor Went to Sea
37:01 - Hop Little Bunnies
38:17 - Five Green Speckled Frogs
40:07 - Open Shut Them
41:22 - The Farmer in his Den
42:44 - The More we get Together
43:48 - Mary had a Little Lamb
44:58 - Three Little Kittens
46:32 - Apples & Bananas
48:16 - Finger Family
49:04 - Incy Wincy Spider
#kidssongs #wheelsonthebus #oldmacdonaldhadafarm #babyshark