Spain can have two distinct seasons- lovely hot summers, and slightly cooler
winters with occasional very heavy rain. Living in Spain, we have found that we have to adapt in the Winters and Colin & I enjoy recycling wood/old items and love to do some crafting.
In this vlog we have shown you some of the projects that we have done in the last few years. We get a real sense of accomplishment from turning old pallet wood, drift wood, shells and stones into beautiful art around our house.
I also enjoy making mosaics and have a whole array of beautiful work that i have done. Many people in our area have got my work up in their houses and gardens and quite a few in the UK as well!
I hope you enjoy this little glance into what we do with our time during the colder winter months in Spain!
For more ideas please check out:
00:00 Intro
02:00 Some of our low cost items
05:20 Pallet wood projects
06:23 Outside old shower project
09:27 Other mosaic projects
11:25 Barcelona inspired "Tree of Life"
12:24 Beachy outside coffee table