Welcome to my channel and thank you for all your support. You can contact me at kittingupkitten@gmail.com or new for 2025 you can find my new group KUK Kittens, exclusively for my subscribers.
Link for Kuk Kittens group
I run the #diydp event twice a year which is for conversion addicts.
You can use the hashtag #diydp, #diydpweekly or keep an eye open for each event in May and November.
I am also a proud Diamond Art Club affliate.
By using the following link you can get a discount as a first time buyer and I may earn a small commision. Please check date of video. link must be used within 7 days of posting for myself to benefit. I am always very grateful for any commision earned.
For trays and other items please check out my etsy store
For KALBSSparkles
I don't currently offer memberships but you can help my channel by using buymeacoffee. I appreciate each and every donation which allows me to buy new canvases and related products.
Thank you for reading and for your continued support.