Having looked this video up to the end, you can make the installation of electrical wiring in an apartment or house, including a wooden one, with your own hands.
You will understand that there is nothing complicated in the words wiring the house. You will find out: what is the difference between the automatic machine, the RCD and the diafavtomat, what wire is needed for the electrical wiring in the house, the principles of assembly and the location of the switchboard, the methods of connecting the wires and installing the wiring. And also, much more.
After watching the video, you will not become a professional electrician, but you will get knowledge that will definitely help you, make electrical wiring in the house with your own hands.
If you have the finance to hire electricians, you will get good advice on how to select the real pros in the wiring, and how to monitor the performance of their work.
Here you can get an answer to the question: - How to make electrical wiring? There are a lot of videos about the specific stages of wiring. I'm trying, here, gathering all the information in a single whole, to tell you the basic rules of electrical wiring and its main stages. And they are the following:
01:32 The scheme of electroconducting.
05:20 The choice of wire. Wires for electrical wiring. Wire cross section.
09:09 Selection of equipment for switchboard.
10:09 Installation of electrical wiring. Cable gasket.
16:08 Connecting the wires.
19:19 Checking the wiring.
19:52 Switchboard in the house.
24:05 Installation of podzroetnikov.
25:15 How to connect an outlet - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oi34wDDNt4k
26:14 Tips for choosing a wizard.
The magazine "How to make everything yourself" https://kak-sdelat-vse.com/ - will acquaint you with useful tips for all occasions. These tips will help everyone in life, regardless of gender and age. How to do it yourself? This is what you will learn on our channel - there would be a desire and free time. All the suggested tips and handicrafts are tested on their own experience.
Also, on our website you will find many different tips on a variety of topics that will help you do everything yourself. We try to make our magazine simple and understandable!
Build it ourselves - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bUCzRTFPEKc&list=PL0DbR4G8uOqWU-iIlYwFXYL-wrv7hNRMW
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Article - https://kak-sdelat-vse.com/elektrooborudovanie/946-kak-sdelat-elektroprovodku-v-dome.html