만능돌 설아 스텔라장과 루프스테이션 도전!? | WJSN(우주소녀) | Stella Jang | 설아해 | 설아는 다 잘해 | SEOLA, Do It!
An encounter between genius musician Stella Jang and all-around idol SEOLA with vocal and dance skills and good looks
From “Colors (feat. loop station)” to “BUTTERFLY” in the acoustic version SEOLA sang after learning the singing tips from Stella Jang!
보컬,댄스,비주얼까지 다 갖춘 ‘만능돌’ 설아와 '천재뮤지션' 스텔라 장의 만남
설아가 스텔라장에게 비법 전수 받아 불러본 colors (feat.루프스테이션) 부터
BUTTERFLY 어쿠스틱 버전까지!
0:00 SEOLA, Do It! with Stella Jang
0:40 Colors sung by SEOLA & Stella Jang
4:29 BUTTERFLY Acoustic ver. practice
K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
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K-POP Wonderland, 1theK
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