Wolfenstein: The New Order All Cutscenes (Full Game Movie) 1080p HD
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It's hard to describe how important the Wolfenstein franchise is to gaming. It is the godfather of all shooters, but has fallen into the shadows for the past decade. The New Order takes place in an alternate timeline where the Nazi's not only won World War 2, but now dominate the world. The game has an old school feel, as it uses over-the-top guns, an almost unlimited amount of guns you can carry, and health packs. Ten years ago these features started to feel dated, now they feel refreshing since most shooters have a 2 gun carry limit, and regenerating health. This is a single-player only game, and the story doesn't disappoint. While the campaigns starts off a little slow narrative wise, things really kick off after the title sequence. Wolfenstein does a great job creating believable characters in an almost unbelievable world.
The best thing about Wolfenstein is self aware which allows it to be simultaneously campy and serious. It can be ridiculous at times, but it's can be forgiven because you know that's what Machine Games was aiming for. We hope you enjoy this game, and highly recommend it for anyone who likes FPS shooter campaigns. There's a lot of unlockables and extras that give the game a high replay value. As always we added significant gameplay, dialogue and cutscenes to try and create the most fluid narrative possible. If you enjoyed, please make sure you like, comment and share!
Gameplay by javihavi
Edited by KnowLedge
The Gaming Library: https://www.youtube.com/c/glptvee
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