Pyrography tutorial that will show you the pyrography techniques to create a Mountain Lake scene using a zigzag type of pen stroke. The zigzag stroke creates the rough rocky mountains, the pine trees and even the choppy lake water. This is a great beginner pyrography project. This is my first official YouTube tutorial. I know it's not perfect, but it's my starting point and I hope to improve with more experience.
Dec 2018 - I've had several artist tell me they had difficulties burning zigzags, so here are some tips to help resolve any issues.
1) Make sure the board is thoroughly sanded. Then wet it, let it dry, and sand it again. This will produces a super smooth board and will reduce rough spots that will snag and interfere with burning
2 - Use a light hand pressure when burning zigzags. The razor edge of the shader has a tendency to want to sink into the wood, and a firm hand pressure will cause it to sink even more. I keep a very light pressure when burning. I just let the pen tip glide over the surface.
3 - Keep the heat on medium or lower. Higher heat settings will also cause the pen tip to sink easier into the wood, so try lowering the heat setting and see if that helps.
Also, there is a written tutorial and a free downloadable pattern for this article at:
Etsy Page:
Fine Arts America:
Artwork size: 4 3/4" tall x 6 1/2" wide (12.1 x 16.5 cm)
Burn Time: 2 1/2 hours
Wood: die-cut Birch Plywood
Completed: February 4, 2018
Burner: Colwood Super Pro II
Pen Tips used: Tight Round J Shader and E Spade Shader
Colwood website:
Please be aware that I am not affiliated with Colwood. I just happen to use their brand of burner. Since I get numerous questions about where to buy one, I've included a link to their website.
Video Contents
00:00 Intro & Goals
02:09 Zigzags defined & examples
09:07 Practice Mountain
12:36 Mountain Guidelines
13:10 Burn Lake Mountains
15:00 Practice Tree
16:27 Hill Guidelines
16:57 Burn Hills 1-3
21:07 Last hill guidelines
22:08 Burn Last Hill
22:30 Lake Guidelines
23:34 Burn Lake
26:44 Conclusion
A new video comes out every Tuesday, so please subscribe to get notification.
Artist: Brenda Wilkie
Video created by Todd Wilkie
Music by Todd Wilkie