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Wood Turning a Red Oak Bowl
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Tools Used:
Bowl Gouge
Sanding Sealer - MinWax
Bees Wax
Carbide cutters
Diamond Parting tool
Sandpaper 80 grit - 120 grit - 200 grit - 320 grit - 400 grit - 600. (800)
Wood types for this project:
Red Oak
Play list links, for Your convivence and to share.
Lathe Play List - https://youtu.be/497p43YO01U?feature=shared
Band Saw Milling - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OHDj9uKi49IyIwP6JsCdDvA23S5I31Q&feature=shared
Wood Working - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OHDj9uKi48IY9E_sQ_YdBACPz9RsNHD&feature=shared
Quick Tips - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OHDj9uKi4-KTgH77gBWH3W-O6ZWXisv&feature=shared
Behind Scenes - https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PL5OHDj9uKi48Ol6Y5Co8VCnfSkSeCiXIw&feature=shared
Wood Turning - Wood Craft - Cups - Plates - Bowls - Gouge Scraper Sanding Wax Tools - Wood Working How to demo Table Saw Band Saw Jointing Planning Spindle Sanding Router Table Ogee Bits - Dust Collection -
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