This is a segmented turning which I was going to call a bowl but it ends up looking like a barrel.
It was a lot of fun to make and involved fine fitting joints. There are 140 pieces that make up the bowl.
The feature ring is made up of the same type of block I use in a tumbling bowl turning.
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Look up other turnings I have done:
Abrasive Paste
Shellac Finish
Lacquer Finish
Wipe on Poly
Segmented Donut Torus
Dizzy Twister Turnings Segmented Turnings
Bowl in a Bowl Offset Bowl
Emerging bowl
Tumbling bowls Emerging Bowls Black Locust Vase
Droop Bowl Offset Bowl Barrel of Blocks Star Bowl Bowl in a Bowl
Star Bowls Barrel of Blocks
Plywood Ball
Baltic Birch Dodecahedron Ball
Multi Axis Turning
Bowl Turning