Sabhi ko Namaste, salaam ani Namaskar
Aaj ke video mai kuch desi tadka hoga bole toh Lai bhari fitness ते पण एकदम झकास aur isse Pune ka he nahi toh india ke kuch aishe purane akhada mai se ek hai
Chinchechi Talim in Shukruwar peth Pune. Aaj ke episode mai dikhayenge aur milayenge 2 times Maharashtra champion 2017 and 2022 74kg ke wrestler (khusti pehlwan) Akash Deshmukh aur kaise hoti hai ek pehlwan ki zindagi, unke workout diet aur ek badiya sa wrestling match with desi taur tarike ke sath toh pura video end tak zaroor dekhna Jai hind Jai bajrang bali 🙏
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#FIT2FASHN #Aakhada #wrestlers #chinchechi talim boys #workout #Desi workout