Happy #WorldBalletDay 2023! Enjoy our company class featuring our Ballet Mistress Xuan Cheng, fabulous HKB dancers and our celebrity guest artists from International Gala of Stars!
為慶祝 #世界芭蕾日2023, 我們為你送上由舞團導師成萱教授的舞團熱身課,展示港芭成員以及剛到埗參與「國際芭蕾巨星匯2023」的首席客席藝術家的日常訓練情況!
Ballet Mistress 舞團導師
Xuan CHENG 成萱
Pianist 鋼琴師
Nicholas LAU 劉智聰
Principal Guest Artists 客席首席藝術家
Marianela NUÑEZ 瑪麗安莉拉.努尼斯
Principal Dancer, The Royal Ballet
Constantine ALLEN 康斯坦丁.艾倫
Principal Dancer, Dutch National Ballet
FANG Mengying 方夢穎
Principal Dancer, National Ballet of China
CHEN Zhuming 陳鑄明
Principal Dancer, National Ballet of China
#WorldBalletDay2023 #HongKongBallet #HKBallet #HKB #NeverStandingStill #Ballet