00:00:00 - 00:01:54 In the Light, we are one
00:01:54 - 00:04:18 Queen Azshara
00:04:18 - 00:06:31 The Fall of Silvermoon
00:06:31 - 00:07:04 The Burning of Teldrassil
00:07:04 - 00:09:05 Anduin - King of the Alliance
00:09:06 - 00:11:04 Anduin - Servant of The Jailer
00:11:04 - 00:13:09 The Burning Legion
00:13:09 - 00:17:05 The Daugther of the Sea
00:17:06 - 00:19:38 Warsong Clan
00:19:38 - 00:22:30 Yrel's Dark Secret
00:22:30 - 00:24:54 Jaina Proudmoore
00:24:55 - 00:26:17 The Fallen Titan
00:26:17 - 00:28:36 Thrall
00:28:37 - 00:32:04 The Iron Horde is coming
00:32:04 - 00:35:06 Banished from The Pantheon
00:35:06 - 00:35:57 The Frostmourne
00:35:57 - 00:40:08 Take this to my son
00:40:10 - 00:42:17 The Kingdom of Lordaeron
00:42:17 - 00:44:56 Arthas, My son
00:44:57 - 00:49:12 Grommash Hellscream
00:49:12 - 00:51:14 The Culling
00:51:14 - 00:54:51 The Makers' Flawed Design
00:54:51 - 00:58:27 The Kingdom Kul Tiras
00:58:27 - 00:59:50 The Old Gods
00:59:50 - 01:02:55 He was my student...
01:02:56 - 01:05:47 I AM MY SCARS
01:05:47 - 01:07:06 Tirion Fordring
01:07:07 - 01:10:40 Deathwing
01:10:40 - 01:11:24 I AM THE CATACLYSM
01:11:24 - 01:14:04 For Teldrassil
01:14:04 - 01:17:12 The Third Lich King
01:17:12 - 01:18:46 Who taught you to fight like this?
01:18:46 - 01:25:10 Ashes of Teldrassil
01:25:10 - 01:28:45 Blackhand
01:28:45 - 01:32:00 Worthy
01:32:00 - 01:34:50 The Maw of Souls
01:34:50 - 01:36:15 Mists of Pandaria
01:36:15 - 01:39:45 Arathor
01:39:45 - 01:41:43 The First War
01:41:43 - 01:42:53 Highlord Bolvar Fordragon
01:42:53 - 01:45:26 Times change
01:45:27 - 01:48:33 The Invicible
01:48:33 - 01:51:00 Iron Dawn
01:51:00 - 01:55:07 The Legion's end is all I Seek
01:55:08 - 01:56:07 Battle of Mount Hyjal
01:56:07 - 01:57:35 Neptulon, Master of Tides
01:57:35 - 01:59:01 Fall of Shattrath City
01:59:01 - 02:01:44 The Spires of Orgrimmar
02:01:44 - 02:02:53 The Veil
02:02:53 - 02:05:57 Garrosh Hellscream
02:05:57 - 02:08:21 Khadgar's Plan
02:08:21 - 02:10:34 Battle of Karabor
02:10:34 - 02:13:18 We are the Watchers on the Wall
02:13:19 - 02:15:39 The Jailer
02:15:39 - 02:16:56 The Fourth War
02:16:56 - 02:18:51 I'M IN CHARGE NOW
02:18:52 - 02:20:15 King Greymane
02:20:15 - 02:22:29 Argus, The Broken World
02:22:29 - 02:24:54 Titans
02:24:54 - 02:25:55 Classic
02:25:55 - 02:30:08 What makes us strong
02:30:08 - 02:31:35 The Final Battle
02:31:35 - 02:33:04 The Frozen Throne
02:33:04 - 02:35:07 Kargath Bladefist
02:35:08 - 02:37:00 March of the Alliance
02:37:00 - 02:38:35 Arthas returns to Lordaeron
02:38:35 - 02:40:47 Draenor
02:40:47 - 02:45:03 Beyond the Veil
02:45:04 - 02:45:52 The Crown
02:45:52 - 02:48:05 Skybreaker
02:48:05 - 02:50:34 Home