Every year thousands of cubera snapper spawn off Florida's coast during the late summer full moons. This usually coincides with the opening of the Florida spiny lobster season. We went and caught our own spiny lobster for bait, then dropped them on various wrecks to target the largest snapper species in the world! Lobster are on the of the most expensive baits you can use in the world, but the catch is worth it!
►Check out Brook and I's homemade lobster nets!
►Check out Campchef Here: ►https://www.campchef.com/
►The exact grill I use: https://bit.ly/CampChefApex36
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►Dexter Outdoors Knives •http://bit.ly/dexteroutdoors SAVE 20% CODE: landshark
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► TUF-LINE Braid & Fluorocarbon •http://bit.ly/TUF-Line SAVE 20% CODE: landshark
► Oceans legacy Rods (Popping and jigging rods) https://johnnyjigs.com/ CODE: landshark
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