Fix your V-ing with these easy-to-follow FREE Stride Drills:
Basic Beginner Stride
Faster Fitness Stride
If you're V-ing when maintaining speed then you NEED to watch this video and use these corrective drills. This might be a controversial video as it may affects about 70-80% of all inline skaters (in my observational opinion). #sorrynotsorry
This video explains and shows the differences between V-ing skating and straight ahead set down.
V-ing is for: Beginner first steps and Acceleration technique (all levels).
Non V-ing straight ahead set down is for: Maintaining speed, speed skating, fitness skating & recreational skating.
Many thanks to the Skatefresh students who appeared in this video. We regularly film our students before, during & after training to spot if the mistakes have been fixed.
This video featured the following YouTube channels. Check them out;
The Stuttering Skater
Viktor Thorup
Cristiano Attanasi
Rerolling Inline
Terry B
Buzzkill Blade
Pascal Briand
Who is Asha Skatefresh?
• Founder of (since 2000)
• Skate Coach for BBC and Disney's "Soy Luna"
• Powerslide Brand Ambassador (since 2011)
• Quads figure skater who represented Great Britain internationally.
• Skating for 40 years
• Teaching inlines and quads for 24 years
• 356 Instructors Certified worldwide (with ICP – Inline Certification Program)
Here's the FREE SKATING STRIDE DRILLS promised in the video:
Basic Stride
Fitness Stride
Double Push Speed Skating Technique
For lessons in the UK and Asha's Touring Trips schedule, visit
Follow Asha and Skatefresh on social media:
Facebook: Skatefresh Asha
Instagram: @skatefreshasha
Asha wears Powerslide Evos with @nnskates 4x90mm Ninja frame & @endlessblading
Asha wears Skate-inspired gear from the Skatefresh range for men & women
Video footage @babylonstuee
Video edit: @Cristianoattanasi6028
Music: "Summer" by
License code: RB8SKPDH3YBIPPIC