WORST RETIREMENT EVER - Mt. Baker Hillclimb - Bellingham, Washington
The ride on Strava: https://www.strava.com/activities/9870208425/
Mt. Baker Hillclimb: https://bakerhillclimb.com/
Ski to Sea Event: https://skitosea.com/
Bellingham, Washington: https://www.bellingham.org/
Thanks to Home2 Suites by Hilton in Bellingham:
Brooklyn Duo:
Sam Smith: https://www.youtube.com/c/SamSmithFilms
Want to support me and my show? Sponsors take care of that, so please consider a donation instead:
Contribute to my No Kid Hungry Campaign
My Recovery Product: https://www.icelegs.com
Order Cookie Merch and Phil's Books: https://www.philsfondo.com/shop
iTunes https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/the-phil-gaimon-show/id1692030939
Spotify https://open.spotify.com/show/7vycENBirLesG1URcGAOM2
Follow Me!
My website: http://www.philgaimon.com
Ride with me at Phil's Fondo in Malibu: https://www.philsfondo.com/
Brought to you by Jukebox! www.jukeboxcycling.com www.jukeboxprint.com
Bikes by Factor @factorbikes https://factorbikes.com/
Chapeau Power Analysis @chapeaulabs http://chapeau-labs.com/ (PHILSENTME for a discount)
Clothing by Starlight/Black Bibs @starlightapparel @theblackbibs
https://www.starlightapparel.com/ https://www.theblackbibs.com/
Sundays Bicycle Insurance https://www.sundays.insure/partner/phil-gaimon
Components by Shimano @rideshimano https://bike.shimano.com/
Decathlon Outdoor Gear @decathlonusa https://alnk.to/eOGrXwk
E-Bikes by State @statebicycle https://www.statebicycle.com/?avad=290261_a2d7565a5
Inside Tracker Blood Testing for Nutrition and Health: @insidetracker DISCOUNT WITH LINK http://InsideTracker.com/PhilGaimon
Beam: https://bit.ly/44HmwCL (PHILSENTME for 35% off)
Bici Bucerias Mexico Bike Tours: @bicibuceriasmexicancycling7143
Join me in November: https://bicibucerias.com/la-vuelta-de-jalisco-phil
Computer/Heart Rate/Kickr/Pedals by Wahoo @wahoofitnessofficial https://www.wahoofitness.com/
In Case of Emergency call Bike Legal @bike_legal https://bikelegalfirm.com/
Competitive Cyclist @competitivecyclist: https://alnk.to/6TulOTB
12 Speed Bar End Garage Door Opener @12speed https://12speed.com/
Crotch happy thanks Chamois Buttr @chamoisbuttr https://www.chamoisbuttr.com/ (PHIL25 for a discount)
Training plans/Optimize App from Fascat Coaching @fascatcoaching 25% off Optimize App with PHILSENTME
Automatic Discount for Whoop: https://join.whoop.com/philsentme
Bike Bags (for travel and on-bike) by Orucase @orucase http://www.orucase.com
Hydration/Supplements by First Endurance @firstendurance https://firstendurance.com/
Bike racks on the go by @seasucker http://www.seasucker.com
Gloves by Handup @handupgloves https://handupgloves.com/ (PHILSENTME for a discount)
Mobile Bike Shop @velofixlosangeles https://www.velofix.com/locations/greater-los-angeles/
Glasses by goodr @bikegoodr https://goodr.com/collections/biking
Endurance lotion for watts from Lactigo @lactigo https://www.lactigo.com/pages/phil-gaimon (PHILSENTME for a discount)
Bike would be stolen if not for Ottolock @ottodesignworks http://ottodesignworks.com/ (PHILSENTME for a discount)
Accessories/Chain Lube by Silca @silca_velo https://silca.cc/
Kenda Tires @kendatire https://www.kendatire.com/ (PHILSENTME for a discount)
Ridge Supply Socks @ridgesupply https://www.ridgesupply.com
Lazer Helmets @lazersport lazersport.us/PHILSENTME