So much time, so much work has gone into this and I couldn't be happier with how I'm leaving this map.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever expect to get a time like this, skipping not just 19:5x but also 19:4x is unheard of. I'm done with SOE, if anyone beats this time then I give my biggest congrats, I could genuinely see this time not getting touched for a long long long time.
Thank you so much to everyone for your support and helping me get this time, I seriously couldn't do it without everyone. I'll be answering as many questions as I can down below so feel free to ask anything.
GGs and thanks for watching!
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Little FAQ
How did you know the sword code?
When I do resets I reset for 1 of 2 gumballs, Reign Drops which you'll be used to or Nukes. Depending which one I get I'll slightly change the way I play. Assuming I get reign drops I'll see all 3 symbols fore the sword which you can see in previous runs. If I get nukes, I skip going to footlight and I guess the sword symbol. Nukes saves around 15s compared to reign but the downside is the 1/7 chance to guess the code.
Is this the first sub 20?
Why do you stop and look at walls/ceilings?
This is all to do with spawn manipulations, you can manipulate where zombies spawn based on where you stand/look at all times during the run and we can abuse this to quickly fill eggs for the sword or thin rounds round later in the run
Is this unbeatable?
Nothing is unbeatable, but its gonna be damn hard to beat this. I'm personally done with SOE, other people will probably try to beat this time and if they do I have massive respect for them. In my opinion without any new strats theres probably about 10s of realistic timesave in this run.
There are set locations for ABH, but which one ABH takes you to is completely random.
How did you ABH to waterfront without the door being open?
When the tram is at a district, it activates the zone and also the abh location. This game I had waterfront tram so I could abh there, if I had canals tram the same would apply