Learn how to write a research proposal, thesis proposal in this step-by-step tutorial, including practical examples. We explain how to write a proposal by looking at the essential ingredients of an A-grade research proposal.
OVERVIEW: How to write a research/dissertation/thesis proposal
Content 6:45
Title and Keywords 7:26
Abstract 10:31
Problem statement 12:55
Aims and Objectives 15:47
Significance and Audience 27:33
State of the Art 34:55
Methodology 38:43
Methods 40:53
Expected Results 46:41
Project Outline 50:51
Impact 56:19
Bibliography 1:01:10
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Links mentioned in this video:
- Presentation related documents can be found under this link:
- VIDEO: Title - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DWYY_o2HiOw
- VIDEO: Literature Review - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7jR4Q5Cu5Kc