「不讀書的話 就去做工人」你還會這樣恐嚇你的孩子嗎? 或者,你真的做得到「職業不分貴賤」嗎? 今天,我們要拜訪台南的工人宿舍。他們的工頭是羅治欣,工作一起、住也一起的#做工的人 ,分別自來自甚麼樣的家庭?而工人宿舍又有甚麼趣事呢?
55-year-old Luo Zhi-xin, aka VP, leads a construction crew around the country braving the weather and spending long periods of time living away from home.
In this episode, we discover what toll the strenuous work, long hours, and dorm living take on the workers' marital relationships and family life; why young people are a rarity on worksites despite the handsome salary; and how when an SHTF (“shit hits the fan”) scenario unfolds, it's VP and the crew who become the proverbial sacrificial lamb.
4/6起,每週五 #公視 一台、Facebook、YouTube 21:00 直播!
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