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【誰來晚餐X-3】藍色龜山島(葉啟田 詹雅雯 韓宜邦)|Guess Who :My Family Comes from Turtle Island

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 301,723 7 years ago
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本週拜訪的是36歲的陳沛婕,家族世世代代以漁業維生。昔日在龜山島上,陳家擁有象徵財富的船、罟和島上最豪華的水泥房。可惜好景不長,人人羨慕的望族最後卻家道中落。民國64年,陳氏舉家搬遷到宜蘭。從小在傳統漁村長大的沛婕,想幫家人也幫自己拿掉傷痛、治療癒合,夢想成為一位心理咨商師。究竟沛婕要面對怎樣的家族傷口呢? Sylphlike, gregarious, and ambitious, 36-year-old fishmonger Chen Pei-jie uses the latest live broadcasting technology to hawk her father's freshly landed haul directly from the port; however, she dreams of grander things and has her sights firmly set on breaking free of this fishy life. In this episode, we discover how decades of bad blood in the family has influenced Pei-jie's outlook on life; what event in Pei-jie's younger years left her contemplating the unthinkable; and why the hospitalization of Pei-jie's mother for depression was a turning point for the family. ---------------- │播出時間│ ---------------- 每週五公視一台、Facebook、YouTube 21:00 直播! ↓↓最新消息不漏接,快來追蹤訂閱我們吧↓↓ ►Facebook: ►Official website: ►YouTube:
