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警犬波麗士:台中市警犬隊|【誰來晚餐X-38】Guess Who :K9 Police Capers

誰來晚餐 GuessWho 139,369 6 years ago
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您可曾在那裡看到警犬過?是機場、花博,還是在夜店和友人歡聚時遇過臨檢? 誰來晚餐這次拜訪台中市警犬隊,2018年3月才正式成軍,是繼新北市警犬隊之後,台灣第2個成立警犬隊的直轄市政府。由隊長陳玉梅,副隊長盧志明,及8位領犬員及8隻警犬組成。領犬員除了最小的林廣只有25歲,其他都是七、八年級生。隊長和副隊長負責行政隊務,對外協調,不用帶狗。隊長急性子又心思細膩,愛叮嚀像全隊的媽媽;副隊長則主張事緩則圓、話少較嚴肅,二人個性很互補。當隊長待產休假期間,隊上會有什麼改變呢?還有,換誰掌廚? Established in just 2018, Taichung Police K9 Unit is only the second such unit in Taiwan and half of its officers come from the elite SWAT team. Despite the serious nature of duties undertaken by K9 police units - from seizing drugs and apprehending vicious criminals to detecting bombs - dog handlers look upon their pooches as a real labor of love. In this episode, we discover what gustatory advantages are derived from having a female police captain; why K9 officers often frequent the kennels with tasty tidbits even on their days off; and how despite all the crack training, when off-duty K9 pooches meet civilian mutts, tempers still sometimes flair. ---------------- │播出時間│ ---------------- 4/6起,每週五公視一台、Facebook、YouTube 21:00 直播! ↓↓最新消息不漏接,快來追蹤訂閱我們吧↓↓ ►Facebook: ►Official website: Copyright © 2018 Taiwan Public Television Service. All rights reserved.
