X-Force Varex Valved Catback Exhaust: https://xforceusa.com/products/es-t86-01-vmk-cbs/
Use code KEVINVO for 10% off!
X-Force Smart Box(Sold Separately): https://xforceusa.com/products/vksb01/
Usually when you think of valved exhausts you associate them with higher end cars, but X-Force has integrated that same technology into a product for our GR86 and BRZ! This is there Varex Valved catback exhaust and it sounds legit!!!!
Driven Media Merch & Overlays:
► https://www.driven.media/shop
►GR86/BRZ LED Upgrade Kit: https://www.driven.media/shop/p/22-gr86brz-full-led-upgrade-kit
►GR86/BRZ Reverse LED Upgrade: https://www.driven.media/shop/p/22-gr86brz-led-reverse-light-upgrade
► Use Code KEVINVO for 5% off https://www.aeroflowdynamics.com/
Dress Up Bolts
► Use code KV23 to get 10% off on https://www.dressupbolts.com
3d Floor Mats
► Use code "KEVIN3D10" to get $10 off on https://3dmatsusa.com/?utm_source=Youtube&utm_medium=Video&utm_campaign=KOL&sca_ref=3195236.cCK650OOcC
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»Music I use: https://share.epidemicsound.com/7tnnmu