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☞主演: 林一、沈月、叶筱玮、天爱、邹廷威、赵海燕、杨紫嫣、章呈赫、房子斌
【Synopsis】It tells the story of a down-and-out part-time talk show actress and an aloof male audience member suffering from alexithymia who get close to each other and heal each other. A love story of a woman who is funny to the end and a man who can't laugh, a love contest begins. However, what connects the romance is not just the emotions between men and women, but also the struggling urban youths living in Shanghai. On and off the stage in the play, the spicy yet observational complaints hit the pain points of life, and the humorous ridicule is light, but it is also full of optimism and open-mindedness.
【Starring】Lin Yi, Shen Yue, Ye Xiaowei, Tian Ai, Zou Tingwei, Zhao Haiyan, Yang Ziyan, Zhang Chenghe, Fang Zibin
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