See an install of a wireless soundhole pickup. How will it work in a Nylon String guitar?
The X@ Double Wireless Pickup has both a hum-bucker style string pickup and a soundhole microphone, which can be blended to create a great sound. Installing it on my Yamaha Nylon String guitar to see what the microphone alone will pick up as the nylon strings will not work with the hum-bucker style string pickup.
I also provide a comparisoin of thefull acoustic tones of my Roayal Parlor Guitar vs. what the pickup delivers to the an amp by using the line 1/4 inch input on my Tascam DR-40X recorder.
Bottom line - I can highly recommend this Wireless Soundhole Amp for steel string acoustic guitars that are too dear to Drill, Cut or Marr with a normal pickup addition.
Messy Mike!