Xbar and R chart I Create Control chart in Excel I Create Xbar R chart in Excel My YouTube Gears / Devices & Equipments My Smartphone: https://amzn.to/3bvY9xt My Microphone: https://amzn.to/3lRobQl My Laptop: https://amzn.to/2QWSHKz About the Video: Create Control chart in Excel X bar and R chart is a control chart used for Variable Data. Control chart is part of SPC (Statistical Process Control). Control chart is also one of the 7 qc Tools. Xbar & R chart in nothing but combination of two charts. Average chart (Measurement of Central Tendency of Data) and Range Chart (Measurement of Dispersion of Data). Also explained here is how to create X bar and Rchart in Excel step by step. How to create Xbar and Rchart is explained here which includes, how to calculate; 1. Xbar – Average 2. Xdbar = Average of Averages 3. R – Range 4. Rbar – Average of Ranges 5. UCL and LCL of Xbar chart 6. UCL and LCL of R chart etc… #xbarrchart #controlchart #xbarchart #rchart #qualityexcellencehub #qehenglish Quality Excellence Hub Channel introduction: Hi, I am Parthasarthi Virda. Welcome to my Youtube channel "Quality Excellence Hub". Thank you so much for watching my videos. Watch other videos from ‘Quality Excellence Hub’- Link of video Gallery https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCMy3BBMGpVQFrhlpexX6rpw/videos?disable_polymer=1 Also find videos on other topics as below Videos in Hindi Language 1. 7 QC Tools – Hindi https://youtu.be/IiH91xiMnuY 2. What is Quality – Hindi https://youtu.be/yKXuxMTGoeM 3. What is Audit – Hindi https://youtu.be/oGInLTpskZs 4. What is Kaizen – Hindi https://youtu.be/C5qfsJqiOhM 5. SMED – Hindi https://youtu.be/0d78jxnOaeQ 6. Cost of Quality – Hindi https://youtu.be/xyDQsXeLUIE 7. QA vs QC – Hindi https://youtu.be/zQ18t400p1g 8. 5W & 1H – Hindi https://youtu.be/IC7lgi-tYo0 9. Verification vs Validation https://youtu.be/Uluxxk79bjk 10. Checksheet – Hindi https://youtu.be/IuBPRpElTFE 11. What is Histogram – Hindi https://youtu.be/lpYODOZdHS8 12. Mean Median Mode – Hindi https://youtu.be/1Cx_kLKDd34 13. Takt time cycle time lead time Throughput time – Hindi https://youtu.be/asQtRYyGJlE 14. Overall Equipment Effectiveness (OEE) – Hindi https://youtu.be/yEfR7w1F-cc 15. Paretochart – Hindi https://youtu.be/81fdc0YAnjk 16. How to create Pareto chart in Excel – Hindi - https://youtu.be/pXd8DStkzT4 Videos in English Language 17. 7 QC Tools – English https://youtu.be/bUykjMUZ2BQ 18. What is Quality – English https://youtu.be/bXhSAIHAJp0 19. Cost of Quality – English https://youtu.be/BTzn3JnDHlY 20. What is an Audit – English https://youtu.be/Ulgng6GoJVg 21. Quality Assurance vs Quality Control – English https://youtu.be/RzOqExLM-co 22. Verification vs Validation – English https://youtu.be/B-0FR1GJwr4 23. Production Part Approval Process (PPAP) – English https://youtu.be/gymZIVqXrPI 24. Measurement System Analysis (MSA) - https://youtu.be/GJFLIGmnpzI 25. 5W & 1H – English https://youtu.be/R4Gdq-GC9LM 26. What is Kaizen – English https://youtu.be/DlEx0FzIaf4 27. Takt time cycle time lead time Throughput time – English https://youtu.be/WwIsMAgqjEE 28. Single Minute Exchange of Die (SMED) – English https://youtu.be/ansnB2uzUXk 29. Checksheet – English https://youtu.be/GjV1UL_Z_SY 30. Pareto chart – English https://youtu.be/FVo-0PsrECk 31. Corrective Action and Preventive Action (CAPA) – English https://youtu.be/tgbAEvIP2oI 32. Histogram – English https://youtu.be/gYpD8jR0ULw 33. Tatistical Process Control (SPC) - https://youtu.be/lOEqli-YV2I 34. Mean Mode Median – English https://youtu.be/FUd7vF_v3F0 Other Social Links of channel: YouTube - https://www.youtube.com/c/QualityExcellenceHub Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/qualityexcellence.hub LinkedIn - https://www.linkedin.com/in/parthasarthi-virda-88b6352a/ Pinterest - https://in.pinterest.com/qehub2018 Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/p_virda/?hl=en Email - [email protected] music and video from www.incompetech.com www.pixabay.com www.yummy-sounds.com www.productioncrate.com