井川一我換了舊的破床墊後,德國Emma 黑鑽石床墊用了幾個禮拜了!鼻子通了、睡起來也不會渾身汗了~母親節活動進行中,買張好床墊孝敬父母or犒賞自己吧!
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#動漫解說 #我的英雄學院 #鬼滅之刃 #排球少年 #咒術迴戰
このチャンネルでは、 主にアニメ、マンガ、ゲームの推奨や評価などしております。
[email protected]
This channel mainly focused on recommending anime, comics, and games.
All the contents are created strictly following the principle of fair use. The footages used in the videos are not intended to against copyright law, only to assist commentary.
If it causes any loss of yours, please contact me immediately.