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- Chapters -
0:00 Intro
3:26 Alrest
18:46 "Let's show them a thing or three!"
48:44 The Story
1:10:32 Love & Hate
I don’t think I’ve ever seen a video game elicit such an emotional response from people than Xenoblade Chronicles 2. Talking about this game with someone is like a coin flip. A 50/50 shot between hearing that it’s either the greatest game of all time and that it’s a life-changing experience or they’ll fly into an uncontrollable rage and claim that it’s one of the worst games ever made. The best part about this is that I don’t think I’ve heard anyone from either side properly communicate why they feel the way they do. There's just something about this game that awakens a person's most primal instincts when discussing it. They enter a fight-or-flight state where it goes from talking about a video game to a literal life-or-death scenario. And most normal people had no idea what the hell they’re even talking about
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a game that’s unapologetically itself. It knows what wants to be and has a specific target audience in mind and there’s a pretty high chance that you’re not a part of it. What this results in is a game that it’s a bit of an acquired taste. Some people are gonna love it and others are gonna hate it. For me, there was a lot of stuff in this game that i really enjoyed but at the same time, there was just as much stuff that I couldn’t stand for the life of me. Despite all of that though, I came out of the experience feeling a lot more positive than negative. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is a game that’s a bit hard to love, however, it’s even harder to hate.
Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Hard to Love, Harder to Hate. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is one of the most polarizing games in the genre and in this Xenoblade Chronicles 2 review, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 analysis, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 retrospective, Xenoblade Chronicles 2 critique, we'll be discussing the game's impact and legacy, while also going over some interesting developer interviews that put a lot of the game in perspective. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 has a rather mixed reception within the community and in this Xenoblade Chronicles 2 video essay, we're going to break down why and how the game ended up the way it did while also highlighting the genuinely amazing things the team accomplished under the tight constraints. This is a follow-up to my Xenoblade Chronicles 1 review I did last year. So make sure you watch Learning to LOVE Xenoblade Chronicles to get a better understanding of my opinions. Also, this Xenoblade Chronicles 2 review will only cover the main game, not the dlc. I plan on making a Xenoblade Chronicles DLC video in the future covering Future Connected, Torna and the Golden Country, and Future Redeemed. Xenoblade Chronicles 2 - Hard to Love, Harder to Hate is the best video by Nam's Compendium