Side-by-Side Comparison of Bionis & Alrest's Legacy in Aionios
This video presents a comparative analysis of the worlds of Bionis and Alrest in Aionios, wrapping up the physical world references from Xenoblade Chronicles 1 and 2 as they appear in Xenoblade Chronicles 3 and Future Redeemed.
Please note that only structural references are featured here - instances where I found either the identical or a very close approximation of the 3D meshes used across different games. For example, the Citadel from Future Connected is not included because none of its 3D meshes were reused.
Feel free to leave a comment if there are any areas or structures I might have overlooked.
Music Used:
- Elaice Highway (XC3)
- Great Sword's Base (XC3)
- Yesterdale - Colony 9 (XC3:FR)
- Black Mountains - Prison Island (XC3:FR)