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【Xiaohongshu保姆級教程】2025年海外華人必看的從0-1小紅書完整攻略教學|如何定位?如何選題?如何變現?一期視頻告訴你!Make money with RedNote

七七行銷筆記 256,622 2 years ago
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⏰ 《打造超級個體:R.A.P.I.D.內容營銷流量系統》正式開放早鳥報名 🔥 🔥一起成長為AI時代的高效能內容創作者 🔥優秀創作者必備的內容創作系統 🎁免費領取電子書攻略《超級個體:AI時代的內容營銷和虛擬產品變現指南》 💛限時預約领取方法: 💛人人都可以成為超級個體 ➡Instagram: 📧商務合作:[email protected] 你敢相信嗎,一個3千粉的知識付費帳號,在小紅書一個月竟然可以賺到2w美金,這是真實發生在我身上的事情。 今天的視頻我會揭露小紅書不為人知的頂流賺錢模式,並從選擇定位、制定選題到如何低成本製作爆款內容,一期視頻教會你如何從0開始經營一個賺錢的小紅書帳號。如果你對小紅書賺錢感興趣,一定要看到最後。 00:39 在開始之前,你必須知道小紅書的3個特點 02:24 小紅書的5種賺錢模式 05:23 帳號定位 06:13帳號裝修 06:45 篩選對標帳號的5個標準 09:20找對標帳號的3個辦法 10:24 建立選題庫 10:45 圖文還是視頻?發布頻率 11:35 四種受歡迎的封面類型&最適合懶人的高點擊封面 12:55 如何低成本複製爆款 14:29 數據分析 --------- Can you believe it, a paid knowledge account with 3,000 fans can actually earn 20,000 US dollars a month in Xiaohongshu, this is what really happened to me. In today's video, I will expose Xiaohongshu's unknown top-ranking money-making model, and from choosing positioning, formulating topic selection to how to produce popular content at low cost, this video will teach you how to start a profitable Xiaohongshu from scratch book account. If you are interested in making money from Xiaohongshu, be sure to read to the end. 00:39 Before starting, you must know the 3 characteristics of Xiaohongshu 02:24 5 ways to make money in Xiaohongshu 05:23 Account positioning 06:13 Account decoration 06:45 Five criteria for screening benchmark accounts 09:20 Three ways to find a benchmark account 10:24 Build a topic library 10:45 Text or video? update frequency 11:35 Four popular cover types & the best high-click covers for lazy people 12:55 How to copy popular products at low cost 14:29 Data Analysis
