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《紅樓夢》組曲 XV. 葬花吟 "Dream of the Red Chamber" Suite XV. Elegy on Flowers|指揮/張列|演唱/崔蕊

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《紅樓夢》組曲 XV. 葬花吟 作曲|王立平 編曲|張列 指揮|張列 演唱|崔蕊 場次|2013竹塹國樂節-紅樓夢 日期|2013.07.20 地點|新竹市文化局演藝廳 中國古典文學四大名著之首《紅樓夢》,又名《石頭記》,是清代著名文學家曹雪芹的巨著,被譽為中國最具文學成就的古典小說,也是世界經典的文學瑰寶。 本書以賈寶玉、林黛玉和薛寶釵三人間的愛戀與愛情悲劇為主線,描寫了以賈家為代表的四大家族從興盛到衰亡的過程,揭露封建制度的各種弊端,刻畫了複雜的人性與世態的炎涼,描繪了一幅傳統社會的末世圖景。故事中的女主角林黛玉個性孤高自許,多愁善感,可是偏偏賈寶玉卻喜歡她,但賈府代表最高權位的老祖宗賈母,採用王熙鳳偷梁換柱的計策騙賈寶玉和曉得籠絡奉承的薛寶釵成親,讓體弱多病的林黛玉含恨病逝,賈寶玉悲痛欲絕,孓然一身遁入空門,叫人無限唏噓。 作曲家王立平根據他為電視連續劇《紅樓夢》創作的音樂片段和歌曲改編。該劇由陳曉旭與歐陽奮強主演,於1987年首播後,隨即引起轟動,劇中音樂也獲得與整體演出和製作等同的矚目和讚揚。組曲透過原劇中主要故事所表現的音樂主題為各段背景,以鮮明的民族特色、音樂情緒和獨到洗練的配器手法,進行藝術的再創作,成就了悠雅古樸、委婉細膩的音樂篇章。 共分為十五個篇章: 「序」「紫菱洲歌」「紅豆曲」「晴雯歌」「悲歌秦可卿」「劉姥姥」「題帕詩」「枉凝眉」「分骨肉」「嘆香菱」「聰明累」「寶黛情」「上元節」「秋窗風雨夕」「葬花吟」 -------- "Dream of the Red Chamber" Suite XV. Elegy on Flowers Composer|Wang Li-Ping Arranger|Zhang Lie Conductor|Zhang Lie Vocal|Cuei Ruei Orchestra|HCYCO Concert|2013 Hsinchu Chinese Music Festival – Dream of the Red Chamber Date|2013.07.20 Venue|Hsinchu Performing Arts Center, Taiwan Also titled The Story of the Stone, this classic is the magnum opus of Qing-dynasty author Cao Xueqin. It is widely recognized as the pinnacle of classical Chinese literature. The plot revolves around the romantic tragedy involving Jia Baoyu, Lin Daiyu and Xue Baochai, at the same time revealing how the four great families fell from grace, with the Jia family taking the lead. This classic paints a realistic scene of the end of monarchy in China, uncovering the ills of feudal society and displaying the complexity of human nature in those times. The female protagonist Lin Daiyu is haughty and emotional, yet gains the adoration of Jia Baoyu. Unfortunately, Madame Jia, the highest authority of the Jia family, foils their relationship. She deploys schemes suggested by the scheming Wang Xifeng, successfully deceiving Baoyu into marrying Xue Baochai. Daiyu, who is frail and weak, cannot bear the news and dies of heartbreak. Devastated by the news, Jia Baoyu gives up all that he has and enters monkhood. The 1987 television drama series Dream of the Red Chamber starring Chen Xiaoxu and Ouyang Fenqiang gained international acclaim for its music, acting and production. The instrumental and vocal works from the series were rearranged for Chinese orchestra. This rearrangement is subtle, innovative and elegant while showcasing the distinctiveness of the Chinese instruments. Wang Liping’s "The Dream of the Red Chamber Suite" has in total fifteen movements: I. Overture II. Song of Ziling Islet III. Poem of the Red Bean IV. Song of Qing Wen V. The Funeral Procession VI. Grandma Liu VII. Handkerchief Melody VIII. Longing in Vain IX. Dear Ones Parted X. The Tragic Story of Xiang Ling XI. The Scheming Wang Xifeng XII. Love between Baoyu and Daiyu XIII. The Lantern Festival XIV. A Stormy Night by the Autumn Window XV. Elegy on Flowers -------- 這是台灣「新竹青年國樂團」的演奏,歡迎訂閱我們的YouTube頻道觀賞更多的影片。 This is the performance by “Hsinchu City Youth Chinese Orchestra”, Taiwan. Join us and subscribe for more videos. -------- ● 歡迎追蹤其他的社群平台 You can also follow us here: Facebook: Instagram: #紅樓夢 #王立平 #張列 #HCYCO #2013竹塹國樂節
