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京都市左京区の下鴨神社で「流鏑馬神事」 "Yabusame ritual'" at Shimogamo Shrine in Kyoto. 京都下鴨神社的“流鏑馬儀式”

京都新聞 80,312 2 years ago
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さっそうと駆ける馬上から弓矢で的を射る「流鏑馬(やぶさめ)神事」が2023年5月3日、京都市左京区の下鴨神社で営まれた。 2023年5月3日,在京都市左京區下鴨神社舉行的“流鏑馬儀式”活動中,一匹馬拿著弓箭向著目標疾馳而去。 On May 3, 2023, on the grounds of Shimogamo Shrine, a World Heritage Site in Sakyo Ward, Kyoto City, a ''Yabusame ritual'' was held, in which people shot at targets with bows and arrows from galloping horses. In Tadasu no Mori, where the fresh greenery is dazzling, the riders showed off their skills, drawing applause from the tourists who visited.
