Ayoko na ang hirap wait wrong language
Anyways, since I don't want to starve you guys, I decided to instead post a long 20+ minute video, I split it up into parts so you don't lose it, but it wouldn't make me not lose it. Hahahahahahaaanyways I should make some short descriptions:
Europa wants to bring peace and unity to the Galileans moons, but Callisto ends up going missing. Would Ganymede man up and help Europa? Would Io still do... whatever she's doing? Find out on the second part!
145 (Poodles) - Jake Chudnow
Kafky - ONE
Impending Boom - Kevin MacLeod
Audible Shrugging - SacriStuff
Boneface - ONE
Colossus - Kevin MacLeod
Constance - Kevin MacLeod
Plans in Motion - Kevin MacLeod
IV. Io - Joanne Polk
Clubs and Spades - ONE
End of an Era - Kevin MacLeod