Yamaha R1 2001, leaking fuel how to fix and replace carburetor o-rings on fuel rail tubes, there are three different size tubes in between the 4 carbs.
I was disgusted at what the local Yamaha dealer wanted for 6 o-ring seals which was almost £50.00 ! so decided to buy a set of 250 oil, diesel and petrol resistant seals for £4.99 and try them, so here's what you need to do if your carbs leak fuel from the fuel rail tubes when the ignition is on and the fuel pump is running, if you touch or press the tubes and they leak fuel out and onto your finger then have a go yourself, I dread to think what the dealer would charge for this.
Try the 6 mm inside diameter 2 mm ring section width, giving a 10 mm outside diameter, when on it will stretch to 10.50 mm which works just fine it'll be stiff to push in and make sure there's a nice smear of grease on the seals to help them slip in while pressing on the body's of the carbs. do one tube at a time, don't let the bolts come right off leave them on the last bit of thread and be careful not to dislodge the other tubes at the other side of the carb keep checking.
That was the one size I used but check yourself as I tried a few different ones and that size defiantly works. It may also be usefull for you to know that as they get older they can leak on startup when cold, a short term or you can do it all the time on startup is dont mess with the choke put it full on and leave it on till warm, this sometimes stops the leaking until everything expands and seals any tubes that are leaking.
Anyway good luck. p.s. good idea to replace the rubber float bowl gasket's on all 4 carbs as they age and compress and the leak will look like it's coming from the tubes. 👍