A yandere queen bee catches you and decided you're marriage material! She's obsessive, possessive and totally devoted, and all she asks in return is that you love her! Easy, right? Riiight? C'mon now, beeee reasonable!
[F4A] [Romance] [Monster Girl] [Queen Bee] [Yandere] [Love at First Sight] [Showering you with gifts] [Flirty] [Spaceship Ambiance] [Beehive Ambiance]
Performer: Vanilla Velvet Audio
Script by: logosomancer on reddit
SFX: Licensed from Envato elements; other SFX from https://freesound.org all under public domain/CC0 licenses
#asmr #yandere #audioroleplay #f4a #audiorp #audio
This audio was made possible in part by viewers like you! Special thanks to my patrons and youtube channel members for their support!
Current Anonymous Cinnamon Rolls: 5
Red Velvet Patrons: Abi Colleen, Anthony!!!, Apollian666, Björn, Bruh, CaliKodiak, Christopher Rivera, corey morrisey, DieKuhImSchuh, E, Hairens, Immune, J, JA_505, Jacklynn Duong, Jane Dillion, Jboy, Joseph Brown, Jordan ordaz, Joshie, kilo ender, Nigel Waupekenay, megatron171, michael cardenas, Ozmosis, Paradox4101, Parvati, Pretzel_Kiru, Q, Raido, River Styx, Santiago Comid, spooderman, Taylor Star, ThatRandomBystander, Very Hungry Caterpillar, Vesper, Whyamihere 53, WickJohn321, Will753, Zalez. J, X
Black Velvet Patrons (Producers): 7ARZIVAL, ArmedProfessional, Auri, Birbman, Biskit125, Benard Agyeman, chad drake, Charlie miller, Christina Winter, Cornelius, Cyrus, Daniel Hudson, Dante Rhodes, Douglas Totally Straight Up Anonymous Yo, EC, Freddie Cornell, Hat, Henry Chappell, Ian, Isaac, jose chairez, Joshua Wagener, Julian b, King, Ka'laar, loredo laschuk, Luke, M, M.A.D., Magos Spank, Martian 720, Martin, Moltor 56, Nathan Heyer, NitchNet, Nsg Cayde, NTC, oBreeze, Pharon, PsionicsKnight, Quincy Jones, Ravi, Revanent, Rollack, Schwxn, SebbelBasti, Simon, Sleepy Seb, SebbelBasti, skada99, snes200, Sunset Eclipse, TheSleepingWildlandMan, Tom Mitchell, Troldrik, tyler dupriest, Tyler Hon, VanGhoul, William, Yassretep
Sugar on Top Patrons (Sugars): Sugar Abraham Padilla, Sugar Alex Hodges, Sugar Andrew Jones, Sugar ArcticPenguin92, Sugar Sparky Anthony Estala, Sugar Friend Beef, Sugar Broken, Sugar Cecilio, Sugar Chupacabra Fuel, Sugar Civmage, Sugar Cowboy Coyote, Sugar Damien Del Angel, Sugar David West, Dizzy coats, Sugar doexus, Sugar DoomGuy, SugarDragon Dragon Princess, Sugar Drunkmonkey, Sugar Faucet_of_Drip, Sugar Fox, Sugar Gabriel, Sugar and Cream Grenzoocoon, Sugar Gryffin F, Sugar Guillermo Lopez-Rojas, Sugar DiegOryx, Sugar Dj Karnus, Sugar King, Sugar Idkhow I get here, Sugar itsJegus, Sugar Jake C, Sugar Jeadan Andre, Sugar J I, Sugar JOAM, Sugar Joey, Sugar Johan, Sugar jose mares, Sugar King, Sugar Krious319, Sugar Logan Kingsley, Sugar Luke Childers, Sugar Malaki, Sugar Marvin Bohrer, Sugar Martian720, Sugar Matthew Leichter, Sugar Mendero, Sugar MylesDubs, Sugar Nsg Cayde, Sugar Orlan Simms, Sugar Parker, Sugar Poppytuck, Sugar Sakufridge, Sugar Scion, Sugar Seraph, Sugar Skeletor, Sugar SloppierManx, Sugar Son of Odin, Sugar Rookie, Sugar Cynicalsalt, Sugar Daddy TheTMoneyMan, Sugar The boss x10 x360, Sugar Jedi YounglingSlayer, Sugar The Floof King, Sugar Theo, Sugar Theron, Sugar Trip, Sugar TwoAutoTwo, Sugar Unicornisaurus, Sugar WaluigiThyme, Sugar zelda man
Channel Members: AlcatrazIsland5, alphabuck, ANJU, BVF, Charles Welch, Commanderkrabs, DeathScythe, Dogeyes Is Garbage, Freddex1337, Frostingz, Gregory Eckles, jiriz0r, jupiter, Luke, LupisVir, MoneySenpai, Oryx, lover of feet, rwbyassassin, Sabre Aran, ShoriDayo, Skeletor, Some_Loser, Snix, Sunny Side 3ggs, TheTMoneyMan, TheYounglingSlayer, UWE_WAR_HIER, VOID, William Moreno, wolf333 333, Z3rø, Ze Cowboy Coyote