Welcome to my 51st podcast. Please see below for more details on the yarn, patterns and anything else I chat about.
What I’m wearing :
* Floozy Cardigan by Libby Jonson using Eldenwood Craft Yarn and Cascade Heritage
Ravelry: Floozy pattern by Libby Jonson
What I’ve been making :
*Self made hot water bottle cover using Lay Family Yarn - Sunkissed Succulents
*History of Trees shawl using Lay Family Yarn
Ravelry: History of Trees Shawl pattern by Christina Hadderingh
Lay Family Yarn - hand-dyed yarn
*Betwixtmas shawl using Yarn Whisperer yarn and Fibre Co yarn
Betwixtmas Shawl 2020 designed by Lynne Rowe - Exclusive shawl pattern – Black Sheep Wools
Shop the Yarn | The Yarn Whisperer
*Wigget socks by Nancy Wheeler using Eldenwood Craft yarn
Ravelry: Wigget Socks pattern by Nancy Wheeler
** NEW ** Hand Dyed Yarn - Wigget – Eldenwood Craft
*Spicier Life blanket by Sandra Paul using Stylecraft Special DK yarn
A Spicier Life Blanket CAL
If you would like to support me, please consider a small donation to my Kofi account. Many thanks. https://ko-fi.com/Yarnmugs
Thanks for watching 😊