آیت یہ ہے:
وَقُلْ جَاۤءَ الْحَقُّ وَزَهَقَ الْبَاطِلُ ۖاِنَّ الْبَاطِلَ كَانَ زَهُوْقًا ( الإسراء: ٨١ )
ایک کپڑے کی گیند بنائیں اور یہ ایک آیت پڑھیں بُری سے بُری نظر بد اور
Yeh Aik Ayat Parhen | Buri Say Buri Nazar Bad Aur Jadu Khatam | Hakeem Tariq Chughtai 'Ubqari'
نظر بد اور کالے جادو کا توڑ، دیکھیے "عبقری" کے معروف حکیم طارق محمود چغتائی کا خصوصی پوڈکاسٹ! "بڑی بات ہے" میں عرفان اصغر کے ساتھ صرف الف ٹی وی پر
#AliefTV #BariBaatHai #podcast
Hakeem Tariq Chughtai 'Ubqari' with Irfan Asghar | Bari Baat Hai | Podcast | 28 OCT 2023 | Alief TV
Host: Irfan Asghar
Guest: Hakeem Tariq Chughtai (Ubqari)
Alief TV is Pakistan's first edutainment channel that has been designed to bridge the gap between dying values and evolving traditions of 21st Century. Licensed in May 2021 by Pakistan Electronic Media Regulatory Authority (PEMRA), the core objective of Alief is to create factual content while keeping it captivating. Alief aims to delve into the paramount values of intellect and socio-moral practices. It intends to reinforce the idea of possessing a practical skillset and subsequently working towards poverty alleviation through inculcating creativity. With the help of its mediagenic presentation of worldview, Alief strives to prepare the youth of Pakistan to become a beacon of light for their country.
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