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YERAM WORSHIP【主我神나의 하나님 / My Lord, My God】Live Worship - 曾晨恩 Yusifu Pulu

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主我神나의 하나님 / My Lord, My God / @yeramworship 詞曲 Lyricist & Composer: 박우정 主領 Worship Leader:曾晨恩 Yusifu Pulu 韓譯中 Translator:周巽光 Ewen Chow、褚治軒 A.C 主我愛祢 나의 사랑 My love 在我眼中 祢是我所愛的至寶 너는 어여쁘고 참 귀하다 You are precious and adored in my sight 價值遠勝過一切 어느 보석보다 귀하다 You are more beloved than any jewel 就算我軟弱跌倒 네가 사랑스럽지 않을 때 Even when you fail me 祢仍無條件來到我的面前 너를 온전히 사랑하고 I have loved you always with my unfailing love 愛我到底因著祢奇妙恩典 너와 함께 하려 내가 왔노라 And I have come to you just to be with You 主祢的愛 주의 사랑 Your love 永遠都不曾改變祢與我同在 이 사랑은 결코 변치 않아 Your abiding love never changes 眷顧我的每一天 모든 계절 돌보시네 Your care is present in all seasons 就算一切都會過去 풀은 마르고 꽃은 시드나 Here the grass withers and all the flowers fade 祢話語堅定永不會改變 주의 말씀은 신실해 But Your word remains 我仰望祢的信實直到永遠 실수가 없으신 주만 바라라 You make no mistakes,I look to You,my Lord 主願祢的國度 降臨 주님의 나라와 뜻이 Let Yout kingdom come and Your will 祢旨意成全 在我生命 나의 삶 속에 임하시며 Come into my life and be done 我要認識祢 我要看見祢 主我神 주님 알기를 주만 보기를 소망해 I want to know You,I want to see You,Lord,my God 我願成為聖潔 為祢 거룩히 살아갈 힘과 Grant me strength to live in holiness 在信心中與祢 同行 두렴 없는 믿음 주실 And live a life of faith without fear 祢是我的神 歌頌祢的愛 到永遠 나의 하나님 완전한 사랑 찬양해 Lord,You are my God,I will sing of Your perfect love 我讚美祢 全能真神 찬양하리 만군의 주 I praise You,Lord,Almighy God 與我同在 直到永遠 영원히 함께 하시네 You are with us forevermore 配得尊崇 我愛的君王 존귀하신 사랑의 왕 Most worthy one,my king of love 主祢掌權 直到永遠 영원히 통치하시네 You reign the nations forever - 【音樂製作 Music Production Team】 鼓 Drummer / 洪德耀 Derek Hung 電吉他 Electric Guitar / 彭湃 Luke Peng、許書珩 Peter Duck 貝斯 Bass / 簡偉倫 Weilun Chien 鍵盤 Keyboard ​/ 李宛叡 Rayya Li、陳純郁 Daisy Chen 演唱者 Leader Vocals / 曹之懿 Isabelle Tsao、芙賽以撒 Fusay Isak、馬永蒂 Matilda Ma、鄭牧德 Darren Cheng 合唱 Choir / 羅君典 Norie Lo、菲比 Phoebe、張育恩 Daniel Chang、蔡名原 Henry Tsai、吳宇婕 Christine Wu 音控人員 Live Sound Engineer / 孫立衡 Peter Sun、蔣孟平 Chiang Meng Ping、崔加樂 Caleb Tsui、陳博仁 Rick Chen、王世全 Shih-Chuan Wang 後期混音製作 Mixing Engineer / 孫立衡 Peter Sun 【影像製作 Visual Production Team】 導播 Program Director / 康珮慈 Peicih Kang 直播訊號 Broadcast Staff / 小花貓咪叫 the ciaohuamiaumichiao 動態攝影 Videographer / 妮蔚 Annie、蘇欣薇 NoMi Su、李亞德 Michael Lee、郭柏藝 John Kuo 提詞 Prompter / 林桂存 Annie Lin、莊小霈 Hannah Chuang 燈光 Gaffer / 錢韻竹 Sandy Chien 後期製作 Post Production / 李亞德 Michael Lee - 奉獻 Asia for JESUS/ 約書亞樂團事工 聯繫約書亞樂團: #歡迎透過超級感謝奉獻支持我們 - 這裡可以找到我們! YouTube▸ Apple Music▸ Spotify▸ KKBOX▸ - 異象工場官方商城▸ 約書亞樂團官網▸ 約書亞樂團Facebook▸ 約書亞樂團Instagram▸ 約書亞樂團微博▸ 約書亞樂團微信▸joshuaband
