[SWEDISH/ENGLISH CC AVAILABLE] In this video, I describe the same day in the past tense and future tense. I also want to point out that in Swedish, you can say "jag kommer att" OR "jag ska"... In this example, kommer fits better as I am describing to you what I will be doing. If I was telling a friend what I am doing tomorrow, I would use "jag ska."
I'm not sure if this applied across the board, but you can think of it as:
I am going to = Jag kommer att
I will = Jag ska
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Hi! My name is Katrin. I'm Swedish, but I'm not a Swedish teacher. Here on my YouTube channel, I offer you videos about my everyday life in slow and clear Swedish, with English and Swedish subtitles so that you can practice your understanding. Välkommen!
Thank you for your amazing support!
Without you guys, this wouldn't be as much fun for me.
Lots of hugs!
♥ Katrin