This footage is free to use by anyone, for any purpose.
00:00 - Hebra Mountain Passage
04:08 - Hebra Mountain (1)
07:15 - Conde the Yeti
10:23 - Conde's House
15:25 - Hebra Mountain (2)
22:36 - Energy Belt Obtained
22:50 - Hebra Mountain (3)
24:31 - Bombs of Might Upgrade (Level 2)
25:24 - Hebra Mountain (4)
28:18 - Conde's Motivation
30:25 - Stilled Hebra Mountain Cave Rift
35:28 - Hebra Mountain Cave Restored
37:12 - Hebra Mountain (5)
51:40 - Conde's Big Brother?
This series is my full 100% playthrough of Echoes of Wisdom.
This is my second channel where free to use high quality gameplay gets uploaded. Please visit my main channel for more Zelda content.
#zelda #echoesofwisdom #gameplay #nocommentary #nintendo #4k #nintendoswitch