YMH Live is back and better than ever! We're going all out for our tenth live show, tickets go on sale tomorrow (2/26) at 7am CT on https://YMHStudios.com. Touch our camera through the fence, chomos!
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Pull those jeans up over your head! It’s another episode of YMH with Tom Segura and Christina P! This week the Main Mommies announce the triumphant return of YMH LIVE, a show that'll feature guests stars, original shorts, and a massive giveaway to one lucky fan. Before all that, Tom shares his thoughts on some documentaries about historical goofballs Hitler and Saddam Hussein. These guys always manage to stay relevant despite having been dead for so long. Tom then open the show with a clip of a cool white dude saying a word he probably shouldn't be saying with incredible confidence. Tom also brings up a P Diddy doc and the twosome also watch some 'Appy Burfday drive-thru videos.
Momma and Poppa Jeans are next joined by actor/comedian Matt Fulchiron, who's no stranger to hearing people say his name wrong or even saying somebody else's name wrong for that matter. The trio also discuss some personal comedy show fails, OnlyFans, dumb prank videos, and Christina's fascination with an old TLC show called "My Husbands Not Gay". They also check out some horrible or hilarious clips and talk about fat people in ride shares.
Your Mom’s House Ep. 799
YouTube Chapters
00:00:00 - Intro
00:04:03 - Some Goofballs & Knuckleheads
00:15:41 - Opening Clip: Big Word, What?
00:21:16 - YMH LIVE X
00:24:57 - More 'Appy Burfdays
00:30:51 - Puff Daddy Doc
00:37:14 - Clip: Whistler Feeling Alright
00:39:21 - Comedy Show Fails
00:49:12 - Tour Dates & OnlyFans
00:53:09 - Clip: Dad Pranks
00:56:09 - Clip: Crow Wife Scares Her Husband
00:58:22 - Clip: Morning Rub
01:00:03 - My Husbands Not Gay
01:06:05 - Clip: Pissfluencers
01:06:50 - Back To The Gay Husband Show
01:10:52 - Too Fat For Waymo
01:15:19 - Hit And Run
01:21:34 - Horrible Or Hilarious
01:29:23 - Clip: Fat Person Grocery Haul
01:30:40 - Clip: Down For Some Me Time
01:31:24 - Clip: Fart Hard
01:32:21 - Closing Song -"I Know I'm White" by Bruce Kristner