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∴煮ル果実「YOMI」with Flower【Official】

煮ル果実 / NILFRUITS 895,303 2 years ago
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創・天国と地獄3 ▼配信(Streaming) ▼『創・天国と地獄』ティザーサイト ▼Credit ◎Vocal / v flower ◎Lyrics&Music&Story / 煮ル果実 Twitter→ Instagram→ ◎Arrangement / 煮ル果実、PRIMAGIC ◎Character Design / Zemyata Twitter → YouTube→ ◎Movie / うぐいす工房 Twitter→ YouTube→ HP→ Director 田中優士 propducer 森山瑠潮 VFX Artist うろ Color Planning 近藤牧穂 MG Artist paraneumann Inbetweening & Painting 太観アニメ ◎Special Thanks カンタロ 明石 ▼オフボーカル音源 ①piapro ②ニコニ・コモンズ ▼niconico ◎Lyrics Ō Ō Ō Ō Ō 『子供騙しが世界を変えた!』 『Kid-friendly things have changed the world!』they said that 胸躍らせた日々にはもう戻れはしない I can never go back to those good old days. 知れ渡った未開の地で 踊る劣るハート In the well known frontier, but my inferior heart still beats. 誰もが夜に肩まで浸かって Everyone soaks shoulder-deep in the “night”, and 『大人になるまで出れない』諦めてさ 『Can’t get out until we grow up』and then this thought made us give up. 強迫観念 皆より上手くなり過ぎなだけ Just have a thing about it. Just got better than everyone else. 安心しな Don't worry though. 有象無象は右往左往 Mobs will never change, go this way and that. 避けたい 避けたくない愛無い期待 Keep away or keep hanging in there. Those loveless hopes... 自問自答と苦悶 苦闘 Talking to myself about all suffering. 味わい 果てに実を結んだ Tasted them all, over time, bore fruit at last. そう思ってないとやってらんない If I don't think like that, I couldn't live. 天国も地獄も君がいないと始まらないや Heaven and hell won't start without you. Everything about me is apparently about you. 退屈だった黄泉の淵で さあ泳いでないで Don't dawdle in the darkness so much. Come on, look up and この手を取ってよ アンノーマリー take the hand I reached out to you, “Unnormally.” 天国も地獄も僕が幾星霜も繰り返すから Heaven and hell, if I can go with you. I'll do it all over and over again. 意味が無いと思っていた僕の命はきっと Even my life which was thought to be nothing must have been.., 液晶越しに響き渡ったハレルヤ echoed through every single piece of screen. Hallelujah Ō Ō Ō Ō Ō 聖者も 愚者も成れずにただ I can neither be a saint nor a fool, I just only can 澄んだ空気を瓦斯に変える人生 turn the clear air into gas. 自慢でも長所でもないが That is neither a boast nor a merit, 僕の唯一の神話なんだ but it's my only glory. 希望死亡で諸行無常 Hope often fades. Nothing is forever. 追われる駆られる 未だ安寧は無い It’s chasing me and rushing me in everything. There’s still no peace. 理想郷へのクロスロード Crossroads to the utopia. 駄目だ何処も行き詰まってる No good, everywhere is badly stuck for me. 処世術免許更新可能? Can I renew my license for life? 天国も地獄も僕ひとりじゃ終われはしないや Heaven and hell won't end without you. Everything about me is apparently about you. 屁理屈ばっか黄泉の道で あっちこっちそっちどっちと Let's get lost together on the road into the darkness. Here or there, this or that, which should we.., 迷ってよう アンノーマリー even where all we hear are quibbles. 天国も地獄も君が去ったあとも続いていくように As heaven and hell go on after you leave. Even your voice is known to be devoid of emotion, 感情が無いと揶揄された声も救いになって I will be saved by being with you. You will bring me happiness 祝祭日のようにまたやって来るから just as the occasional national holiday does for me. Ō Ō 秘密 弱音 全て音符にして Every secret and weakness, make them into songs. Ō Ō 臆病な僕と君 手を掴む Timid me, me and you, we each take a hand. 『でもはなせないよ?』はなさなくていいよ “But I can’t pass anything back to you.” Well, you don't have to. ちゃんと伝わるから Cause I can feel your feelings. 互いの愛を詠み合って I am sure we have lived this long 僕らは生きてきたんでしょう understanding each other's love. 天国も地獄も君がいないと始まらないや Heaven and hell won't start without you. Everything about me is apparently about you. 主も世論も呆れるくらい 不揃いでも綺麗な花 Uneven to the point of public opinion, but we're supposed to have planted so 植えてきたんでしょう many beautiful flowers. 天国も地獄も僕は幾星霜も繰り返すけど Heaven and hell, if I can go with you. I'll do it all over and over again. 意味はあったんだ きっと君の命は僕の It meant something to me, now I can feel your life knocking on ドアノブの無い扉をノックしたハレルヤ the door of my heart with no way to open. Hallelujah いつも返すから I will always give you back 芯まで熟した hymns of inferiority like 劣等の賛美歌を perfectly ripe fruits. Ō Ō Ō Ō Ō
