この映像は、八重山にある国登録有形文化財 旧牧志家住宅主屋にて、八重山の県指定無形文化財(八重山民謡)保持者である大工哲弘さんをお招きして演奏・収録したものです。
どうぞご協力よろしくお願いします。(URL) https://forms.gle/S2eRB2mmbaxkw9gx7
出 演:大工哲弘 大工苗子 仲里栄芳 根原格
舞 踊:秀風会 本盛秀 八重山民俗舞踊研究所
玉城享子 本盛かおり 花城美海 熊谷都也子
撮影場所:国登録有形文化財 石垣やいま村旧牧志邸
翻 訳:Topping.M.W
制 作:やいまぬむじか実行委員会
後 援:石垣市教育委員会
支 援:沖縄県、(公財)沖縄県文化振興会
「かたちある文化 つなぐ文化」Vol.2 文化財を通して八重山を知ろう!
This video introduces the traditional songs and dances of the Yaeyama Islands in Okinawa Prefecture.We made it to let people around the world know about the culture of Yaeyama.
Unfortunately, even the people who live on this island do not have many opportunities to experience its culture in their daily lives.
This island is known for its beautiful ocean, beaches, and rich nature, but did you know that Yaeyama's culture is also wonderful?
We want people to experience the culture of Yaeyama more easily.
In the future, when you are able to move safely both physically and mentally, please come to the Yaeyama Islands.
And please visit the places that have been designated as cultural assets.
We are sure you will enjoy it.
Questionnaire on How to Convey the Appeal of Yaeyama Culture and Performing Arts" is now available.
Please access to https://forms.gle/S2eRB2mmbaxkw9gx7
We would like to explain about the "Questionnaire on How to Convey the Appeal of Yaeyama Culture and Performing Arts".
The purpose of this questionnaire is to survey and study how cultural assets and traditional performing arts should be utilized and transmitted in the region.
It is being conducted with the support of Okinawa Prefecture and the Okinawa Prefecture Culture Promotion Association.
In order for more people to experience the culture and performing arts of Yaeyama, we would appreciate your cooperation in this survey.
Music “Yonaguni Kitty Cat"
Translate by Topping.M.W
Tetsuhiro Daiku (Song, Sanshin)
Naeko Daiku (Song, Koto)
Nakazato Eiho (Yokobue flute)
Tadasu Nehara (Taiko-drum)
Shooting location / Makishi residence in Yaima Village
Recording:Daido imamura
Produced by :yaimanumusica
#okinawa #yaeyama #music #八重山 #八重山民謡 #宮良殿内 #石垣島 #大工哲弘 #伝統芸能 #石垣やいま村