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You are NOT too old to learn clip-less pedals! I reveal the methods I used to learn at 46!

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Welcome to the channel! In this video I talk about the methods and tricks I used to learn to ride clip-less pedals at 46 years of age. It's not as easy as for the younger mountainbikers, but you can learn it!!! If you are new to the channel... Please subscribe. I have new videos coming out monthly and maybe there will be a topic that interests you. So as I was saying... I made the switch to clip pedals at 46 years of age. As a heart attack survivor with a damaged heart I was looking for a little more efficiency on the bike. I found it using clipless pedals and so much more! I don't regret it one bit! I'm not only faster uphill, but on the decents as well. So much more control and confidence when you don't have to worry about your feet staying on the pedals. If you want the same, watch my video and use the tricks I used to learn. You will be a little slower on the decents at the beginning, but with time you will be faster and more confident than ever before! Especially if you ride a hard tail. Chapters are listed below if you want to skip around or review the video later to learn. 0:00 Intro 0:54 Background Info and Content 1:31 Cleat Choice 3:10 Pedal Choice 4:22 Pedal Adjustment 5:11 First Exercise / Drill 6:14 Second Exercise Setup and Common Mistake 7:09 Second Exercise / Drill 7:43 Third Exercise / Drill 9:06 Take it to the Trails 10:04 Clip Pedal Fears 10:32 Postscript and Conclusion 11:41 Outro and Please Subscribe! So that's my video on how to learn to ride clip-less pedals even if your an old man like me. I will have a cleat set up video coming out to help with that aspect soon. Come back and see me here if you are interested. If you subscribe... you won't miss it! Once again, I hope I could help at least one person with my video, or at least entertain a few. See you next time! Keep on shredding!!! Dave out!
