Join me as I demonstrate how to roast sand for gold in this informative video. In this engaging tutorial, you will learn the entire process step-by-step, from gathering the right materials to the final stages of extraction. I will guide you through each phase, providing tips and tricks along the way to ensure you have the best chance of success. See the results for yourself as I reveal the secrets behind this fascinating method of gold extraction. Whether you're a beginner or someone with a bit of experience, you will find valuable insights that will help you in your gold prospecting journey. Don't miss out on this opportunity to deepen your understanding of this exciting hobby! #goldprospecting #goldmining #golddigging
Tools I use in my videos:
Garrett Gold Guzzler
Rock Crusher
Gold Claw Gold Pan
Yabby Pump
Blue Bowl Gold Concentrator
Sifting Classifier Prospecting Set
Sifting Classifier Sieve Set
Green Prospector's Scoop
14" Gold Panning Pan, Black
Copper Dowsing Rod
Minelab Gold Monster 1000 Gold Detector
Falcon Gold Tracker MD20 Metal Detector
Supersluice Gold Pan, 15"
10" Green Gold Rush Mining Kit
Gold Fox Mini Monster Highbanker from Gold Fox, USA
Devin Gold's VDR Mini Sluice from Infinity Prospecting LTD, Canada (I think)
Mighty Mill Rock Crusher, USA
YouTubers I learned from (and still learn from):
Ask Jeff Williams @Askjeffwilliams
Vo-Gus Prospecting @VoGusProspecting
Pioneer Pauly @PioneerPauly
Klesh @Klesh
The Prospecting Geologist
Alan Robertson
Dan Hurd (Dan Hurd Prospecting)