Hello! This is "Japanese Kitchen Tour".
This channel introduces Japanese food culture, chefs' techniques, and Japanese food.
In addition to traditional Japanese cuisine (sushi, ramen, udon, soba, sashimi, food stalls), we introduce a variety of gourmet foods, including local Chinese restaurants, large-portion restaurants, Japanese street food, and sweets.
This time, we will be introducing "Kyoto Rikyu Odashi to Dashimaki" located in Nakajima Toba Rikyu-cho, Fushimi-ku, Kyoto City.
In the area where you can watch the chefs make dashimaki eggs up close, you can enjoy the smell, sound, and sight.
Please watch until the end to see the delicious dashimaki eggs and the chefs' thoughts!
[Kyoto Rikyu Odashi and Dashimaki Google Maps]
[Japanese Kitchen Tour Official Instagram]
#Odashi and Dashimaki
#Japanese Kitchen Tour
こんにちは!「 Japanese Kitchen Tour 」です。
日本の伝統的な料理( 寿司 ラーメン うどん そば 刺身 屋台 )などに加え、町中華やデカ盛り店、日本のストリートフードやスイーツなど、様々なグルメを紹介します。
今回は京都市伏見区中島鳥羽離宮町にある「京都離宮 おだしとだしまき」様を紹介します。
【 京都離宮 おだしとだしまき Googleマップ】
【 Japanese Kitchen Tour 公式インスタグラム 】